This is the first year Devahasdin handled the PR and marketing for the Mundaring Truffle Festival and we have to say, we loved every minute of it! It was also very exciting to see all our hard work pay off as the event attracted a great crowd!

When it comes to the event itself, the weather gods were definitely smiling at us because we couldn’t have asked for better weather. We had mums, dads, kids and lovers of great food and wine lining the streets to gain entry.

The long table lunches were a particular success. On the Sunday we stuck our head into the marquee and found every guest swaying and singing along to ‘That’s Amore’! What a blast. Visitors to the event also had lots of great opportunities to meet some of our guest chefs like Neil Perry, Guillaume Brahimi, Alain Fabregues, Nino Zoccali and Emmanuel Mollois who roamed through the crowds and signed books at Boffins Bookshop.

All in all the response from the media, public and the chefs have been overwhelmingly positive and we loved being on board with the Truffle Committee – they’re such a great bunch of people to work with.